Corporate Governance > Environmental, Social & Governance

 Our Sustainability Approach


At SUNeVision, we believe that acting in an environmentally and socially responsible manner contributes not only to sustainable development but also to the continuity of business operations. As the largest data centre provider in Hong Kong, SUNeVision is committed to delivering reliable and high-quality services to our customers, enabling them to scale their businesses sustainably. We prioritise ESG practices in our business to minimise environmental impacts and create a more sustainable future.


 Our Commitment and Strategies

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Energy Efficiency and Carbon Emission

Our Commitment:

Data centres are critical and energy-intensive infrastructures requiring significant amount of energy use, which can impact the environment and result in higher operating costs. We strive to optimise data centre operations to improve energy efficiency. Our energy-saving commitments and goals are as follows:

  • By the target year 2050, utilise 100% clean electricity through various methods including but not limited to installation of solar panels on-site, sourcing Renewable Energy Certifications (RECs) etc, and working closely with the two power companies in Hong Kong
  • Achieve carbon neutrality by the target year 2050 through implementing energy-saving technologies, aligned with the carbon neutrality goal of the Hong Kong SAR Government
  • Realise a Coefficient of Performance (“COP”) of over 6 and 3 for all new purchases of water-cooled chillers and air-cooled chillers by the target year 2030
  • Attain an overall COP of 5 or above for the Group’s chillers by the target year 2030


  • Utilise energy-efficient equipment and technologies, such as high-efficiency chillers and advanced cooling applications
  • Deploy non-CFC refrigerants to reduce direct GHG emissions, which have a lower impact on ozone depletion as compared to CFC refrigerants
  • Source renewable energy and/or purchase RECs to lower carbon footprint

Water Management

Our Commitment:

We recognise the importance of water as a precious and finite resource. Understanding that water scarcity is a pressing global issue, we are committed to promoting the sustainable use of water.


  • Adopt the Water Leak Detection System to identify water leakages from taps, pipes and valves
  • Implement water-efficient cooling systems
  • Utilise recycled water from the rainwater harvesting system for non-potable uses e.g. water cooling
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Waste Management

Our Commitment:

We strive to reduce waste through the 4R principles: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover. We also ensure that all hazardous and non-hazardous waste are processed properly in accordance with local laws and regulations.


  • Increase the recycling rate of electronic waste and other materials
  • Reduce paper consumption through digitisation and a paperless working approach

  Our alignment with SDGs

With our commitment to creating positive social and environmental impacts, we have identified several United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that align with our core values and business objectives. These SDGs provide a framework to exert efforts and measure progress in areas such as carbon reduction and renewable energy adoption. By aligning operations with the SDGs, we aim not only to create value for our stakeholders, but also contribute to the broader global effort in achieving a more digitalised, sustainable and equitable world.

Our alignment SDGs

We recognise that achieving our sustainability goals will require ongoing efforts and collaboration with our employees, customers, partners, and stakeholders. We are dedicated to improving our sustainability practices to provide customers with environmentally friendly data centre solutions. We invite you to join us, share your ideas and feedback on this green journey.

Together, we build a more sustainable future.

Note 1: For more details of our sustainability measures, please refer to our annual ESG report.

Environmental, Social and Governance

Environmental, Social and Governance

  • Data Privacy and Security Policy

    As being a provider of industry-leading carrier and cloud-neutral data centre services, SUNeVision Holdings Limited (SUNeVision) attaches the greatest importance to protecting personal data privacy and preventing data leakage or loss by adopting an array of security measures and ...

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  • Corporate Health and Safety Policy

    Health and safety should never be compromised in any circumstances, SUNeVision Holdings Limited (SUNeVision) sets out the Corporate Health and Safety Policy to promote a culture of safety at our premises. Although our business operation is not typically associated with high health and ...

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  • Community Investment Policy

    SUNeVision Holdings Limited (SUNeVision) has a strong commitment to sustainable development. We target to integrate a balance between business earning while showing care to social and environmental needs. This policy outlines our commitments, approaches and ...

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  • Environmental Policy

    SUNeVision Holdings Limited (SUNeVision) recognizes the importance of environmental sustainability as it is indispensable for achieving long-term business viability and the sustainable development of our community. In view of the above considerations, we are committed to protecting the environment and ...

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  • Whistleblowing Policy

    The Company is committed to maintaining the highest standards of conduct and integrity. To this end, the Company encourages its employees and those who deal with it (e.g. customers and suppliers) (“Relevant Parties”) to report concerns about any malpractice ...

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Environmental, Social and Governance Reports


Environmental, Social and Governance Reports

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Environmental, Social and Governance Reports

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Environmental, Social and Governance Reports

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Environmental, Social and Governance Reports

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Environmental, Social and Governance Reports

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Environmental, Social and Governance Reports

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Environmental, Social and Governance Reports

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