Corporate Governance > Environmental, Social & Governance > Corporate Health and Safety Policy


Corporate Health and Safety Policy


Health and safety should never be compromised in any circumstances, SUNeVision Holdings Limited (SUNeVision) sets out the Corporate Health and Safety Policy to promote a culture of safety at our premises. Although our business operation is not typically associated with high health and safety risks as compared to other more labour-intensive industries, we establish this Policy to ensure the provision of a safe working environment and protection our people, including employees, contractors, customers and visitors, and Data Centre premises from occupational hazards.


To foster a working environment of high health and safety standards at all operational sites, we will:

  • Perform risk assessment to identify key risks;
  • Hold our directors accountable to occupational health and safety management;
  • Comply with all relevant laws and regulations, and strive to adopt industry best practices;
  • Be transparent in reporting and investigating in all health and safety related incidents;
  • Appoint a designated representative at each data centre to monitor, track and follow up the safety performance;
  • Conduct periodic review on safety performance and regulatory update to prepare for changing safety standards and requirements;
  • Arrange first aid class and periodic fire drills to our employees;
  • Organise occupational health and safety promotion activities to raise the employees’ awareness of safe work practices;
  • Communicate this Policy to our people through different channels;
  • Provide adequate resources to support the implementation of this Policy;
  • Perform workplace inspection to ensure workplace safety;
  • Consult with relevant parties on health and safety arrangements as appropriate;
  • Management accidents and incidents and will look to mitigate risks to reduce recurrence.

Implementation & Review

The Executive Directors will be responsible for the oversight of the implementation of this Policy, with the assistance of Human Resources Department and Facility Management Department, who regularly submit monitoring reports and conduct safety audits on a regular basis. The Policy implementation progress and compliance status will be reported in our Environmental, Social and Governance Report annually. The Executive Directors will conduct regular review of this Policy and update the content if necessary, with the support from Internal Audit Department.